Thursday, January 14, 2016

Awesome Blog Post Below......

THOUGHT ELEVATORS: how to prepare your mindset for success

If you are tired and bored of reading law of attraction books that are based past centuries concepts, there is a new book for you! This book is about getting things in your life in the desirable way by changing the mindset from negative thoughts to positive thinking. The guide is comprehensive and encompasses health, loving yourself, relationships and a business mindset.
Eric Taller created the thought elevators which is a step by step guide on how to transform your life and make better decisions that improve your chances of success in life. Basically, the law of attraction is combined with thought elevators and the outcome is a success. The best thing about this book is the fact that you do not have to read about success concepts that are not practically applicable in the 21st century. Again, the book is not entirely focused on finances thus giving you a great general outline on how to make things work.

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Most individuals are not successful because of negative thinking. Most people do not think or dare to imagine themselves successful, thus cannot achieve success easily. It takes a mindset to achieve financial success. Such persons claim they want to be successful yet they are do not want to invest the time and energy required to achieve their goals. Excuses are the main shields in the case the goals seem far-fetched or are not achieved after the set time is elapsed. Importantly, the guide shows you how to transform your life step by step in all aspects of your life. As a result, family will not be an excuse of not achieving your dreams neither will finances be the issue of not raising your family in the best way you can.

The book like thought elevators is great for any individual since it uses easy to understand language and very relevant real-life examples of the modern day world. Most of the examples in the book are scenarios that anyone can easily relate to. Another great thing about this guide is the fact that you are not required to change a lot in order to follow the procedures in the guide. Unlike other motivational material that requires to overhaul your lifestyle, this book is about changing the small things that you do everyday. Such a feature makes it possible to adjust your way of life slowly and in a way that you cant find hard at all. Money back guarantee of this product is another thing to make get the book.

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Once you practice the book teachings and do not feel any impact within 2 months you can return the book and you will be given your money back. Finally, for those who only believe in facts, this book is well-researched and will blow you away with the science inside it.

PS: See those pictures up there?

You might be thinking ohh he's just trying to show off these badass things that you never could get.

Why can't you though?

Do you think that those self made millionaires are any better than you, that they're special because they made it, and they got lucky and you'll never get there.

But fuck that bro!

I might not know you personally, but I know you.

I know you have it in you, I know in every single cell in my body that you can make it big.

I know you can be a fucking badass like those millionaires.

I know you can be as successful as you want to be.


Because I did it.

Because thousands of guys who joined the Thought Elevators Private Members Area did it also.

Why can't you?

Now let's go make all those haters shut the fuck up, and let's make it big together.

Join The Ambitious Thousands! ===> Click Here to Check Out The Instant Success Program

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Death of Success is Laziness

Everyone would rather sit in a recliner binge watching their favorite show than working. The difference between lazy people and individuals who are successful is their work ethic. Successful people do not take the extra breaks and procrastinate like lazy people do. They delay gratification like an adult instead of slacking off like a child would when given a chore.

Many people enjoy playing "victim" and come up with many excuses for their lack of success. These excuses can be lack of opportunity, their boss not liking them, or their enslavement to everything from drinking vodka in the afternoon to internet porn. They blame a bad childhood, bad teachers, horrible bosses, you name it. What these problems usually boil down to is sheer laziness.
It's hard to believe that these lazy individuals are prevented from getting ahead by anyone but themselves. When you see a disabled individual working hard to bag groceries for an able bodied person who doesn't work at all, their reasoning seems illogical.

Many lazy people do have jobs; however, they rarely work. You can spot these slacking individuals hanging around the cafeteria, smoking area, or water cooler or making and receiving a ton of personal texts and phone calls during working hours. Some very lazy individuals even find time for cat naps, whether it be a stock clerk taking a nap in a warehouse, or an executive snoozing behind a closed hardwood door. The actions of both individuals are detrimental to success and unless they are the boss's relative, they won't last long in their position, and make life for those they work with more difficult. If a lazy person is assigned to a work team, the productivity of all the members suffers. If you are unlucky enough to have a lazy employee on your team, you may miss deadlines and forfeit bonuses, due to their dead weight.
Whether you call them work shirkers, hipster slackers, bone-idle space takers or slothful time wasters--it comes down to the same thing, they are just plain lazy.

Being Rich vs Being Poor

Families with money get their children off to a running financial start, not only with a guaranteed inheritance, but the best education. When it comes time to look for a job, the rich graduate can count on his or her rich relatives greasing the wheels of industry with their networking connections and corporate influence. The poor graduate, having juggled several jobs while maintaining the same GPA as the rich student, will paper the city with their resume and be lucky to find a job at all.

Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy off unhappiness. Having money gives you the luxury of warm, fashionable clothes, the best medical treatment, and the finest, healthiest food. Compare that to shuffling along with holes in your shoes, counting out change to treat the flu with over the counter meds, and seeing if you have enough left over for a can of chicken soup.

Being Poor?

People who have money tend to live longer, stronger lives. The epidemic of childhood obesity is partly due to the fact that starchy food is cheap, and healthy fresh vegetables are out of reach for many families. Let's face it, food stamps only stretch so far.

If you are poor and commit a crime, you are more likely to spend time in a jail cell and the rich criminal will step over you as he exits the holding cell, if he gets locked up at all

What's Better?

Young people that come from money can afford to spread their wings and enjoy the independence of their own condo or apartment, while the poor young person ends up in their parent's basement. The rich man can take his date back to "his place", while his poor counterpart can do the same if his date doesn't mind watching TV Land reruns with mom and dad.
Which sounds like more fun to you?